The Window of Opportunities

Minimised carbon footprint. Lowered energy consumption. An undisturbed view. And unlimited natural sunlight for a healthy workspace. This is ConverLight.

A New Standard for Sustainable Structures

In the coming years, the construction industry faces a great challenge in developing sustainable and energy-efficient buildings.

Meeting new laws and strict regulations requires innovative solutions, where we all play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint globally. Through ConverLight, you not only save energy but also greatly diminish your environmental impact, potentially lowering your building's CO2 emissions by up to 40%. From production to installation, ConverLight also offers an 80% lower CO2 footprint compared to traditional sun protection alternatives – helping you reach your goals in environmental certifications such as BREEAM, LEED, Green Building, and Swedish standards like Miljöbyggnad. Join us in leading the sustainable transformation.

For a Brighter Workplace Climate

It’s estimated that the average office worker spends around 90% of the day indoors. Daylight and a view of the outside greatly impact our daily rhythms, mood, and general well-being. By using dynamic glass from ConverLight, you can flood your building with natural, balanced sunlight and continue to enjoy all of its positive benefits. That includes higher cognitive function, less eye strain, blurred vision, and headaches for people working behind computers. Build a healthier work environment and foster more active, productive, and creative employees. It all begins with making the right choice of glass.


Leading the Sustainable Transformation

Struggling with the energy calculation for your current project? Or trying to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your existing building? ConverLight Dynamic lowers energy usage regardless of the season, leading to a reduced carbon footprint. With the environment in mind throughout the entire product life cycle, we ensure minimal energy usage in manufacturing, installation, and operation – helping you meet your ESG goals. And as the sole European electrochromic glass developer and producer, we can guarantee high-volume orders with short lead times.

Let's talk

A Well-placed Investment

In today's market, an old building can quickly turn into a stranded noncompetitive asset. Enhance its status and boost your property's value by modernizing your facade with sustainable dynamic glass.

This transformation offers tenants an attractive view, possibilities for more personnel per m², and an overall improvement in workplace well-being – all at a competitive rent. Dynamic glass also complements your existing HVAC system, significantly lowering energy expenses and earning points toward environmental certifications like BREEAM, LEED, or Green Building. In short, it's a sound investment for you, your tenants, and the environment as a whole.

Minimise Climate Impact. Pioneer the building industry. As the sole European dynamic glass developer and producer, we ensure minimal energy usage in manufacturing, installation, and operation.

  • Score BREEAM innovation points
  • Improve your LEED certification

Reduce Energy Consumption. Cool summers, warm winters. Let the sun complement or bolster your indoor climate system year-round. Our system is easily integrated and reduces building energy costs by 30 – 40%.

  • Score BREEAM innovation points
  • Improve your LEED certification

Improve Indoor Comfort. Enhance well-being and productivity. The dynamic glass discreetly blocks the sun while maintaining a natural light source for a more healthy and pleasant indoor climate.

  • Achieve WELL certification

Meet your ESG goals

Struggling with the energy calculation for your current project? Or trying to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your existing building? We will guide you through your sustainable transformation.